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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vitamins B6 and folic acid in the peppers is good for preventing atherosclerosis and diabetes. Both vitamins are very necessary to reduce the body’s homocysteine levels. Homocysteine resulting from methylation cycle in the body. Homocysteine is very dangerous for the body because it can interfere with blood circulation and trigger a deadly disease such as heart disease and stroke. Peppers are also rich in fiber (dietary fiber) that will help push the number of cholesterol in the body and prevent colon cancer. In red pepper, there is a high enough lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid pigment that carries the red color. These pigments belong to the class easy phytochemical compounds found in fruits such as red peppers. Lycopene is known by a variety of benefits such as anticancer. A study conducted at Yale University on 473 men found that men free of prostate cancer had more lycopene in their blood than those who were sick. The same research ever conducted by Harvard University in 2002, proving that men who consume large amounts of lycopene in cancer risk is lower, particularly prostate cancer.
In addition to prostate cancer, lycopene consumption can also reduce a variety of other cancers. A study in Iran as reported by Cook et al (1979) showed that consumption of lycopene can reduce 39 percent esofagal cancer in men. De Vet HC et al (1991) reported that women who consumed at least three tomatoes a week have a risk of neck bone cancer 40 percent lower than those who do not eat. Helzlsouer et al (1996) reported that consumption of lycopene may reduce risk of 7.4 per cent of cervical cancer. Lycopene also has been reported to overcome stomach cancer caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. The presence of lycopene is very useful for inhibit oxidation caused by the bacteria. According to Atanasova (1997), lycopene can also inhibit the formation of N-nitrosamins which can cause stomach cancer. Paprika is also a good antioxidant. Giovannucci (1999) reported the structure of lycopene is potentially as an antioxidant. The absence of the ring structure of lycopene has betaione cause antoksidan activities very well. Stereochemical structure of lycopene is different from other types of karoteniod. The structure of lycopene can not be converted to vitamin A and are known to be efficient in capturing free radicals than other carotenoids. Lycopene is also known to have antioxidant activity of two times stronger than beta-carotene and ten times more powerful than vitamin E. Thus, reaction of lycopene as an antioxidant in the body better than vitamins A, C, E, and other minerals.

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